homeschool enrichment program
faithfully serving homeschool families since 1998
About Me.
cash, check, Venmo@Tirzah-Warwick
Tirzah Warwick was born and raised in a rural farming community in Zimbabwe, the
daughter of pastors. Upon graduating from high school, she came to America where
she attended Christ for The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, and received her
associate degree in theology. After graduating from CFNI, she moved to Colorado in
1999 where she has lived and raised her family, homeschooling her 3 children over 17
years. She is passionate about the Lord God, studying His Word, exploring His beautiful
Creation, and reading. She is blessed and grateful to be a part of the Master’s Hand
community, with the opportunity to serve the Lord and the families of Master's Hand by
sharing these passions with others; teaching children about our Creator and the wonderful
world we live in.