cash, check, Zelle (use name and phone number)
Kayla Bouren is a passionate follower of Jesus, a daughter, a sister to 3 younger
siblings, a military kid, and a homeschool graduate. She enjoys mentoring younger girls
and teaching kids of all ages. Kayla gained her love of learning through her homeschool
years, her time as a military kid exploring the 8 States she lived in, her 7 years in
Classical Conversations, and her participation in 16 different organized sports over the
years. As a Pioneer and Patriot in American Heritage Girls, she held various leadership
roles, assisted in founding 2 different Troops, and mentored both her peers and younger
levels of girls before graduating and becoming the Patriot Unit Leader. Kayla further
honed her leadership skills through many years of participation in TeenPact Leadership
Kayla’s favorite subjects were and still are History and Literature. Though she would
prefer to lean fully into her more introverted nature, she is often pushed out of her
comfort zone into public speaking, teaching, MCing ceremonies, participating in theatre
productions, and other roles out front. Kayla is happiest when she is reading, studying
health and nutrition or History, spending time in nature, traveling, planning events, or
doing anything in the kitchen. Her current occupations include homeschooling her little
brother, occasional catering for events, and working on movie sets with her family where
she serves in various roles. So far she has worked on 4 feature films and a short film as
a caterer, cast liaison and hospitality coordinator, and craft services lead.