homeschool enrichment program
faithfully serving homeschool families since 1998
Join us for Christian support in your homeschooling, a break for mom, and lasting friendships for the kids! Affordable classes offered for K-12!
2025-26 classes coming soon!
new schedule will be posted and registration will begin on March 15th, 2025!
Check class schedule, course descriptions, teacher bios and registration pages for more information.
Some classes fill early so register early!
Classes meet on Mondays in Windsor at
Evangelical Free Church of Windsor
Open House on April 7
2:45-4:15 pm
Evangelical Free Church of Windsor
700 Pine Drive
For info on Longmont classes
Master's Hand Mission Statement
Master's Hand is a Christian homeschool enrichment program offering outstanding classes taught by qualified, loving teachers. Our desire is to serve and support Christian homeschool families and to partner with parents to train the next generation equipping them for a life of service to Christ, homes, churches, and communities. It is the goal of each teacher to truly be an extension of the "Master's Hand" in the life of every student.